I am a master student at the Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC), Shandong University, where I am honored to be advised by Prof. Baoquan Chen. I am also an intern at Tencent AI Lab where I am advised by Dr. Qingnan Fan

My research focus lies in computer graphics, 3D vision, especially human motion animation and camera localization.

🔥 News

📝 Publications

ECCV 2022

Towards Accurate Active Camera Localization

*Qihang Fang, *Yingda Yin, †Qingnan Fan, Fei Xia, Siyan Dong, Sheng Wang, Jue Wang, Leonidas Guibas, †Baoquan Chen

arXiv bibtex code

  • In this work, we explicitly model the camera and scene uncertainty components to solve the problem of active camera localization by reinforcement learning. Our algorithm improves over the state-of-the-art Markov Localization based approaches by a large margin on the fine-scale camera pose accuracy.

📖 Educations

  • 2020.09 - Present, Master student, Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC), Shandong University.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, B.E., Computer science and technology, Shandong University.

💻 Internships